Lake Toba, North Sumatra – Indonesia is an extraordinary natural wonder of the world. This spectacular enormous crater lake consists of an island almost the size of Singapore in its center. At over 1,145 square km, and a depth of 450 meters, Lake Toba is actually more like an ocean. This is the largest lake in Southeast Asia and one of the deepest lakes in the world.
Samosir island is located right in the heart of Lake Toba with a wonderful panoramic view on this magnificient blue lake- it is a volcanic island with the traditional village that is protected by surrounding barriers of earthen ramparts with bamboo fencing and trees. The village also dwells in many unique and authentic traditional houses, especially from Tomok, which consists of a row of massive wooden houses with striking saddle-shaped thatch roofs made of sugar palm fiber (called ijuk).
The native population is called the Batak tribe that is widely known for its festive culture. Among others, Tor-Tor Dance is considered to be the most elegant one. This traditional dance is usually performed in celebrations such as harvest time or a wedding ceremony. and used in a ritual to invoke spirit and ‘walk’ them into the stone statues, which erected as a symbol of the ancestors.
Collaborative efforts to promote this amazing place are shared by all government ministries to ensure the readiness of desitnations to open for tourists. Ministry of Foreign affair initiated a great collaboration with BBTF supporting this annual event in Bali to bring industry players and media to explore this destination..

To show case the potential of Lake Toba as an international quality and sustainable destination, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia, Sandiaga Uno, also highlights the infrastructure at Lake Toba. It is now being prepared to host the sensational Formula 1 Powerboat World Championship (F1H2O) in February 2023.
“We will hold an F1 water race, with a boat speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour, and this will be a great attraction for Lake Toba as a super-priority destination.” Uno noted.
Lake Toba is an extraordinary experience and the economic impact would not only be felt by the communities but also the entire tourism and creative economy ecosystem.
“As Indonesia’s leading trade fair, BBTF is the best platform to promote the destination – BBTF is proud to also include Lake Toba as one of the priority destination to show case its potential and capabilities to host such event – buyers all over the world that come to BBTF will be able to learn more about the destination and also build a strong partnership for this such annual event – that is why BBTF plays an important rules to connect business to business”. the head of committee BBTF 2023, I Putu Winastra stated.
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