BBTF 2024

Exploring & Experiencing Sense of Indonesia’s Beauty
Nusa Dua – Bali, 12 – 14 June 2024

BBTF 2024

Exploring & Experiencing Sense of Indonesia’s Beauty

Nusa Dua – Bali, 12 – 14 June 2024

BALI & BEYOND TRAVEL FAIR (BBTF), an annual event that is recognized as Indonesia’s leading international travel fair that focuses on promoting tourism in Indonesia to the world. Through years of strong network, trust and relationship, BBTF brings together the reputable worldwide tourism players as Buyers to meet the Sellers in a single BtoB forum. Together we build a mutual business relationship, inspiration, and sustainability.

Making the most of past trade shows and determined to grow bigger each year, the BBTF committee is now set and invite you all to learn more and participate in our 2024 event. We now proudly announced:


10th BBTF

Exploring & Experiencing Sense of Indonesia’s Beauty

12 – 14 June 2024

Bali International Convention Center (BICC),

Nusa Dua, Bali.


The 10th Bali and Beyond Travel Fair 2024 has just completed successfully with a press conference attended by a distinguished panel of speakers DR. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A., M.B.A. - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia and other stakeholders representing buyers and sellers that participated in BBTF 2024 on Friday, 14th June 2024 at Bali International Convention Center (BICC) Nusa Dua, Bali.

“We appreciate the effort and success of BBTF 2024, hope to see more participation of provinces all over Indonesia, regencies and associations to take the opportunity to be part of BBTF 2025.” the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic Indonesia stated.

So therefore, BBTF will return for the 11th edition in June 4-6, 2025 with the theme of ‘Indonesia Preserving Green Nature & Cultural Heritage for The World’, expecting a qualified marketplace for global buyers to meet national and international sellers in Bali. 

Inspired by the number 11, eleven means luck, prosperity, and spiritual awakening. Green is chosen as the color for next year’s theme that also represents Wisdom, and Devotion for Sustainability. Let’s face the challenges together. Being resilient and optimistic for the future of Tourism Indonesia.
Reposted from @kemenparekraf.ri 

Bali Beyond Travel Fair (BBTF) digelar lagi nih, Sob! ✈️🧳

BBTF ke-10 tahun ini mempertemukan 282 perusahaan sebagai penjual dari 8 negara, dengan 460 pembeli dari 45 negara 👏🌐

Menurut Menparekraf @sandiuno, BBTF ke-10 dapat menjadi salah satu cara untuk mencapai target 14 juta kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara tahun ini 📈🛫

Dengan potensi transaksi mencapai Rp7,61 triliun, BBTF ke-10 diharapkan dapat mendatangkan banyak wisatawan berkualitas yang menghargai budaya lokal dan memberikan dampak ekonomi kepada UMKM dan para pelaku ekraf 🙌

#BBTF #BBTF2024 #BaliBeyondTravelFair
Reposted from @wonderfulindonesia 

The 10th Bali & Beyond Travel Fair (BBTF) brought together hundreds of sellers and buyers from dozens of countries! What a powerful platform for collaboration and growth in the industry! 🤝

It’s great for business and also supports local communities, preserves our natural and cultural heritage, and helps to create a more resilient and thriving economy. 💪

With a strong foundation, we’re confident in inviting the world to experience the warmth, diversity, and richness of Indonesia. 🙏

#WonderfulIndonesia #WonderfulJourney #BaliAndBeyondTravelFair #BBTF2024 #SustainableTourism #IndonesiaTourism
Nah lho, segitu kagetnya pak Menteri @sandiuno 

Tapi event BBTF 2024 nggak ngagetin kok. Acaranya tetap seru seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, dan banyak manfaatnya buat para pelaku dan pegiat industri pariwisata, komunitas, publik dan pemerintah tentunya.

#bbtfindonesia #bbtf2024 #pesonaindonesia #wonderfulindonesia #baliandbeyondtravelfair
Wishing you a joyous Eid al-Adha filled with blessings and happiness. May we all be blessed with peace, prosperity, and happiness on this Eid al-Adha. Eid Mubarak
BBTF 2024 TRAVEX is more than a trade fair; it is a celebration of Bali’s enduring allure and a testament to the resilience of the global tourism industry. With key leaders and international stakeholders in attendance, the event sets the stage for a prosperous future for Bali and the broader travel community.

The presence of international buyers and sellers underscores BBTF’s role as a global nexus for the travel industry. Delegates from various countries are keen to explore Bali’s offerings and engage in meaningful dialogues about future collaborations.

As the event progresses, attendees can look forward to a series of insightful sessions, productive meetings, and the vibrant spirit of Bali that continues to captivate the world. BBTF 2024 is poised to be a landmark event in the journey towards rejuvenating global travel and tourism.

#bbtf2024 #bbtfindonesia #wonderfulindonesia #baliandbeyondtravelfair
The 10th of Bali & Beyond Travel Fair (BBTF) comes with the theme of “Exploring and Experiencing Sense of Indonesia’s Beauty”, aiming to reinforce Indonesia’s top travel destination by highlighting its diverse attractions, promoting sustainable practices in preserving nature, culture and heritage. At the same time fostering collaborations that drive the tourism industry forward quality and sustainable tourism.

Therefore, the 10th BBTF aims to reinforce Indonesia’s top travel destination by highlighting its diverse attractions, promoting sustainable practices in preserving nature, culture and heritage. At the same time fostering collaborations that drive the tourism industry forward quality and sustainable tourism. From Bali, the tourism stakeholders hoped to create a big impact.

#bbtfindonesia #bbtf2024 #exploringandexperiencingsenseofindonesiasbeauty #wonderfulindonesia #pesonaindonesia #eventbbtf #baliandbeyond

Wonderful Indonesia

Wonderful Indonesia is the country’s commitment to promote various destinations in the archipelago for domestic and international tourism – A promise to make Indonesia a place where everyone can enjoy its magnificent natural and diverse cultural wonders